The Best Concert Ever

One of the best concert that I had the pleasure to see was the one that Diego Lorenzini and Sebastián Alfaro did at the beggining of this year, march 23 to be accurate, at the Bar Plaza Victoria (street Santa Isabel number 052) in Providencia.

It was so good; both Diego Lorenzini and Sebastián Alfaro are very talented musicians, with a lot of energy and pasion to the music and to their fans.They played some of their greatest hits, they also did some sort of comedy between each song (like a stand up comedy, witch it was pretty funny), and furthermore, they even played a couple of songs together.

I remember not knowing about Sebastián Alfaro at that time (I honestly just went only for Diego Lorenzini), but I ended up liking him too. It was the first time going by miself to a concert here in Santiago, and I genuinely think that It could not have been any better than It was.

I still got the concert ticket in my wallet.


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